Get Outside to Boost Your Mental Health

Words: Nathan Fabiano

If you're feeling tired, stressed out or just generally a bit ‘meh’, it's time to get outside! As much as surfing is our go-to, it’s not always possible, so we’ve put together a list of fun things that will boost your mental and physical health - ‘cos sometimes you have to think “outside” the box….

Take a walk around the neighbourhood or in your favourite park. 

  • A walk is one of the easiest ways to get some exercise. 

  • Walking can help you clear your head and imagine new ideas. 

  • Sunlight helps produce serotonin in the brain, which induces positive feelings and energy! 

Go on a hike in a nature preserve or national park. 

Hiking is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors. Hiking trails can be found all over the country and there are plenty of resources to help you find them. You can use sites like AllTrails, which allow users to upload maps that include hiking trails as well as other outdoor activities like biking and kayaking. Once you've found a trail near you, print out directions (or load them onto your phone) so you'll be prepared come adventure time! 

Spend some time gardening around your home. 

With all the stress of modern life, it's important to find new ways to relieve that tension. Gardening is a great way to relax and get some fresh air. It’s also a low-impact activity, so you don't need much space in your backyard or on your balcony — just some potting soil and seeds will do! 

If you want something more than flowers from your garden (or if you're looking for an excuse to get out of the house), consider growing vegetables instead. You'll be able to eat them when they're ready or put them in salads throughout the summer months. As an added bonus, gardening is good exercise for both body and mind: You'll have fun getting dirty while working out at the same time!

Do some outdoor exercise (think yoga, Pilates, strength training). 

If you're looking to go outside and get that workout, consider yoga. You can do it anywhere: in your backyard or on a beach, and the practice of meditation can reduce your stress levels.

Another great exercise for the outdoors is Pilates. This form of exercise focuses on core strength, which can help improve posture and reduce back pain. It's also been shown to improve flexibility as well as balance and coordination—all crucial skills when dealing with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. 

If you're feeling especially adventurous (and maybe a little bit sore from something else), try strength training outdoors by doing pushups or pull-ups against trees instead of at home.

Meditate in a quiet spot outside. 

Meditation is an incredible tool for mental health. It can help you relax, focus and sleep better. But did you know it can also help you deal with stress? Studies have shown that people who practice meditation daily tend to be happier and less stressed than those who don't. 

That said, not all meditations are created equal. If you want to reap the benefits of meditation while enjoying nature, try this simple technique: Find a quiet spot outdoors where there's little chance of being disturbed—a bench or rock will do—and sit down in a comfortable position with your back straight (or sit on top of a rock). Close your eyes, take some deep breaths and let go of any thoughts that come into your mind (don't worry if they're good or bad). Focus on how good it feels to breathe in and out slowly while listening intently for sounds around you—birds chirping in trees nearby or wind blowing through leaves on trees.

Ride a bike to work or around town. 

Riding a bike is a great way to get exercise, and it helps you stay fit. You can use your bike to get around town, which saves money on petrol and parking. Riding a bicycle is a fun way to enjoy the outdoors, so you'll be doing yourself (and your mental health) a favour by getting outdoors for some fresh air. 

There are so many wonderful ways to get outside and move your body. You don’t have to go far or spend a lot of money—just find a park, nature preserve or just your backyard and you can get started today. We guarantee it’s a great way to get “outside” of your mind too.


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