Can I run 160km in one day?

Photo by Brody Grogan Photography

“Committing to a WOW challenge is a fantastic way to pursue something meaningful while supporting a great cause.” - Ricky Dann, WOW Fundraiser

Ricky Dann is an exercise scientist, devoted athlete, business owner, and passionate fundraiser for WOW. On October 1st 2022, Ricky completed a self-supported 160 km ultramarathon on the Gold Coast in under 24 hours! But Ricky is no stranger to challenging himself.

“I am on a constant mission to explore my potential in every avenue of life.”

In 2021, Ricky set himself the challenge to complete an Ironman triathlon, which he believed to be absolutely impossible at the time. However, with an abundance of dedication, motivation and self-confidence he was able to swim, cycle, and run his way to victory and fundraise for WOW at the same time.

“Since that day I’ve been on a mission to continue training and discover what I am truly physically capable of.”

A year on, Ricky was driven to find out just how far he can push himself. To Ricky, an Ironman is the pinnacle of the triathlon world, and the 100 miler is the pinnacle of the ultramarathon world. So naturally, he asked himself, “What if I could do that?”

Ricky after completing the Ironman triathalon in 2021.

Made For Beach Other

When first hearing about WOW at a surfing conference, Ricky instantly got in contact with the WOW team and volunteered at WOW programs on the Sunshine Coast.

“I immediately knew it was something I needed to support.”

With a background in exercise science and surfing, Ricky understands just how powerful and therapeutic surfing can be for one’s mental health. Through his volunteer work, Ricky was able to experience firsthand how impactful surf therapy is on the lives of those involved in the program.

“I think combining these two things together to tackle mental health is a genius idea… I have since felt compelled to support the foundation in whatever way I can.”

In terms of Ricky’s own mental health, surfing and running are two significant mental health tools he utilises to get a boost of endorphins when he’s feeling low or stressed. Both assist him in becoming more present and gaining a sense of clarity in his life.

“Regardless of how crappy my day was… the feeling of sand between my toes, salt water and the rush of getting smashed in the surf instantly shifts my mindset to a better place.”

Ricky out for a surf.

Making Waves

Ricky’s passion for pushing himself isn’t only on a physical level, but also academically and professionally. Ricky is currently completing his PhD in surf performance, as well as running his own surf nutrition business. Throughout his career, Ricky has worked in roles with Cricket Australia, Brisbane Broncos and with elite snow athletes in Finland.

However, his commitment to helping others with their physical performance doesn’t stop at working alongside world-class athletes. Ricky’s business, Surf Science Nutrition focuses on helping surfers research their potential in and out of the water, by providing tailored nutritional products, coaching and educational content.

“This business combines my two biggest passions; the human body and surfing.”

Ricky with his Surf Science stall at the markets.

The Finish Line

Ricky has a strong growth mindset for running distances. “Focussing on one step at a time will be the key to finishing.”

Between needing to juggle training, PhD, and business commitments, there are never enough hours in the day for Ricky. His pledge and intense enthusiasm for this challenge led to the large majority of his training sessions being as early as 3am! 

Despite these challenges, Ricky insisted on staying disciplined, consistent and motivated to complete his goal of finishing an ultramarathon in under 24 hours. Ricky’s drive comes from the impact he has on others; namely the comments from family and friends regarding how inspiring his work is.

“There’s no better feeling than knowing you have positively influenced someone else’s life.”

Check out Ricky’s fundraising page here. 

To all who are considering doing their own WOW challenge, Ricky he encourages you to share your journey with your network and reassure others to explore their own potential! Using your journey as an opportunity to inspire others and support WOW is an incredibly rewarding experience.

“The impact you have on others is the greatest currency there is… Dream big and go all in!”

If you are considering starting your own fundraiser for WOW, get started by creating a profile page here and contact us at so we can support you!

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