Meet our Team

  • Cassandra Vujovich-Dunn


    Cass is an epidemiologist and public health researcher. She holds a doctorate in Epidemiology and a Master of International Public Health. She brings 15 years’ experience in community based social and health programs. She has worked for several non-profit organisations, including co-founding the Waves of Wellness Foundation in 2016.

  • Joel Pilgrim


    Joel is a keen surfer of 20+ years, who is known to get webbed feet at times from excess time in the big blue. If he could sleep in the ocean, he would. Joel is a Mental Health Occupational Therapist, in the past working primarily with young people experiencing First Episode Psychosis. He’s extremely passionate about changing the mental health landscape, and talks surf therapy in his sleep. Our little secret – Joel loves musicals!

These are the passionate people working tirelessly to make the magic happen at Waves of Wellness…