Barriers to accessing mental health support

Current statistics show that around 54% of Australians with mental health conditions do not access any treatment. Several barriers can hinder individuals from accessing adequate mental health support and services including lack of awareness, socioeconomic status, geographic location, and personal experiences to name a few. 

Since the inception of our programs, we have spoken to many people who have previously not accessed support for their mental health prior to attending a WOW program. We have spent years trying to understand what some of the most common barriers are and attempting to address them with our innovative free group therapy sessions. This blog delves deeper into some of those barriers as well as some of the ways that our program helps to break them down.

Barrier: Stigma and Discrimination 

Perceived negative attitudes and stereotypes surrounding mental illness can lead to stigma, causing individuals to feel ashamed or reluctant to seek help.

Solution: At Waves of Wellness we believe in open conversations, we don’t shy away from the hard topics and we aim to normalise mental health issues. Plus the nature of group therapy means that you are surrounded by like-minded people which helps destigmatise mental health. 

Barrier: Financial Constraints

The cost of mental health services, therapy, medications, and other treatments can be a significant barrier, especially for those without adequate insurance coverage.

Solution: Our programs, many of them spanning up to 8 weeks, are totally free and solely funded by generous donations. This is why our fundraising efforts such as Ducktober are so crucial to the work we do. 

Barrier: Limited Access to Services

In some areas, there may be a shortage of mental health professionals, especially in rural or remote regions. This can make it challenging for individuals to access timely care.

Solution: Waves of Wellness currently operates right across Australia and is constantly looking to expand its locations further.

Barrier: Lack of Social Support 

Feeling isolated or lacking a supportive network of family and friends can make it harder for individuals to seek help or stick to ongoing support. 

Solution: Our programs are more than just therapy, they are the chance to meet like-minded people and experience a learning experience together. 

Barrier: Fear of the mainstream healthcare system 

It isn't uncommon for people with mental health issues to have a fear of the health system or traditional therapy. Past negative experiences with the healthcare system, including a perceived lack of empathy or improper treatment, can lead to mistrust and reluctance to seek help.

Solution: Although we do not believe that our therapy is a substitute for traditional mental health support, we do believe that it can be an incredible value add. We have also seen users embrace our services and go on to get further help from traditional therapy after previously feeling fearful or unsure. Sometimes WOW is the gateway people need. 

At Waves of Wellness we work to create a supportive environment by promoting open conversations about mental well-being and our innovative approach to group therapy can play a crucial role in overcoming these barriers for some individuals. 

By taking part in this October campaign Ducktober, you not only help us raise crucial funds but equally importantly you play your part in breaking down barriers and stigma too, by saying that mental health matters!

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