The WOW Factor: Participant Matt Shares His Story

Words: Amelia Polinelli

Matt, a husband and father of two teenage boys, participated in a WOW program in Perth in 2022. 

Matt’s wife Klara discovered the WOW program online and knowing he had been going through a tough time, suggested he attend.

“I have always had periods of depression, but generally been okay. A few deaths and a business issue recently set me back a little bit, and it took a while to get mentally rejuvenated.”

Matt grew up in a large farming family. Up until recently, Matt spent a lot of time trail running which helped him connect with nature. A recent injury prevented Matt from being able to continue doing this, and it was difficult to come to terms with. Given Matt's love of nature and the challenges he was experiencing, he jumped at the opportunity to participate in the program.

“Normally I have used trail running as my way to be in nature and just disconnect, but an injury took that away – so WOW’s program was perfect for me.”

Through participating in the program, Matt was surprised at how comfortable he was to talk about mental health in a group environment. 

“I am not, and never have been, a big talker, particularly about my mental health. Amelia, our leader, did a great job coaxing everyone into discussions – totally non-threatening. So, by the third week I was looking forward to the discussions almost as much as the surfing.”

Matt acknowledged that mental health discussions could often be intimidating. He was pleased to report that his experience throughout the program was actually a lot of fun! 

“Let’s face it. Anything to do with mental health sounds a little intimidating, so I didn’t expect it to be such an upbeat, fun program.”

In the group, Matt seemed relaxed and open. He shared his experiences and showed interest in others' experiences. He realised through having these conversations in a non-sterile environment, it created a safe and comfortable space for people to share openly.  

“Being next to (and in) the ocean totally changes the atmosphere of conversations that could be awkward in another environment. I was certainly more relaxed.”

Along the way, Matt learnt some valuable strategies to continue on his journey of wellness. 

“Some relatively simple concepts resonated with me. The ‘wise mind’ [a form of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)] was a simple, but useful little discussion. I have tried to keep up with the habits I have found helpful recently and which the program reiterated, i.e. journalling and breathing. ”

Another key takeaway for Matt was knowing our mental health journey is normal and ongoing, and not to shy away from these real conversations in everyday life. 

“Mostly, I have learned that mental health is not something to hide from and that discussing it in a group is powerful.”

Overall, Matt really valued the program and the innovation behind it. When asked what the most rewarding part of the program was, he responded with the following:

“Just being out in the ocean is rewarding. Also meeting to discuss mental strategies as part of a supportive group of people was awesome.”

What’s really inspiring is since the completion of the program, Matt has actively taken steps to continue on his journey. 

“I am being more proactive about managing my mental health, including engaging in another external discussion forum and making sure I have time in nature. I have been surfing a bit (still hopeless!) but I love every minute of it.”

Looking into the future, Matt has considered what is really important to him and who he wants to be. 

“I run my own business focusing on environmental causes, after spending a few decades on the “dark side” as an investment banker in London. I am lucky that our family is doing great. My goals now are much less achievement focused than when I was younger, aiming to do the right thing.”

Well done Matt, we’re proud you were brave enough to take the plunge with WOW!

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