The Physical and Mental Benefits of Exercise in Winter

Image: Daily Salt Facebook

Image: Daily Salt Facebook

By: Rebekah Prendergast

Baby it's cold outside, but that's no excuse to throw your exercise routine out the window when the winter months roll around. 

Sure it's cold and dark out there, and your bed is warm and cosy. We get it! It's hard to get up and get going in the cooler winter months, but there are so many reasons why you should. 

You know what they say - summer bodies are made in winter. But exercising in winter is so much more about keeping your physique in shape. There are plenty of mental health benefits to be gained, and it turns out winter is the season where it's more important than ever to stay active and healthy.

So, drag yourself out from under the doona and get moving. Here are four important reasons why you should keep up your exercise routine in winter.

Beat the winter blues

Seasonal blues are common, with many people experiencing a mood shift during the cold, dark days of winter. Work out daily and your body will release the feel-good chemicals serotonin and dopamine, which can help to release anxiety and depression. All it takes is 30 minutes a day to boost your mental health and wellbeing. Bonus – the rise in body temperature during a workout has a soothing, calming effect on your body, much like a long soak in a warm bath. Sounds like a great form of self-care to us!

Boost your energy

Do you find yourself going to bed earlier in winter? No judgment here – 8pm seems to be my regular bedtime lately! Shorter days contribute to disrupted sleep and waking cycles, and the lack of sunlight means our brains produce more of the hormone melatonin, which makes us sleepy and lethargic. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine will give you a boost in energy to see you through the day, and hopefully avoiding that 3pm slump. Bonus - if you're exercising outdoors, you'll be getting some fresh air and sunshine, exposing you to the ever-important mood elevating Vitamin D. 

Avoid the winter slump

Winter is the season where we tend to indulge in all the delicious comfort foods - think pasta, hearty casseroles and sweet treats. While we are strong believers in balance, it's also important that you don't go overboard only to see yourself in a mad rush to bounce back when spring arrives. Indulge in some of those warming winter comfort foods, but also make sure you keep up your exercise routine so that treat time isn't having a detrimental effect on your physical health.

Ward off the winter nasties

Cold and flu bugs run rampant in the winter months, so it's important to maintain your health with regular exercise. Exercise strengthens our immune systems, helping us to fight off cold and flu viruses in the cooler months. When you exercise, blood pumps faster around your body, allowing your immune cells to circulate through your body more quickly to seek out and destroy infections. Exercise for the win!

At WOW we run our Surf Therapy programs all year round because we know the amazing effect exercise has on our bodies, both physically and mentally. You have to make time for the important things in life, and what could be more important than looking after your health?

So rug up, embrace the day, and take charge of your physical and mental wellness! 

Check out our upcoming Surf Therapy programs here.