The Amazing Effects of Cold Water Therapy

Image: Susan Cyzano

Image: Susan Cyzano

By: Rebekah Prendergast

Do you ever look at those people who swim in the middle of winter and think they're mad? Turns out there's probably more to it than just a desire to be in the water.

Cold water therapy, also known as cold hydrotherapy, is a practice that's been around for a long time and it's making a bit of a comeback. You might have seen various celebrities or fitness professionals spruiking the benefits, such as improved circulation, increased energy, and reduced inflammation in the body.

The good news is, you don't have to go and dunk yourself in an ice bath to experience all the health benefits. While traditional methods do use cold water that's around 15 degrees to treat health conditions, the same benefits can also be achieved from a simple swim in cold water or even a cold shower.

At WOW we run our surf therapy programs year-round, even in the middle of winter. The thought of getting in the ocean on those cold days may send shivers down your spine, but it could be the best time to do one of our programs. 

Not only will you reap the benefits of surf therapy, such as being in the flow state and experiencing social connection, but you will also experience the added bonus of cold water therapy. 

So, here's the lowdown on cold water therapy and three ways you can use it to improve your health and wellness.

Recover from your workout faster

Many professional athletes use ice baths after they perform because the cold water helps to decrease muscle soreness and aid in a speedy recovery. Cold water can help with pain as it causes the blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to the area. If you've ever had to ice your ankle or knee after a sprain, you can probably relate!

Cold water also provides a much faster way to cool down after an intense workout. The next time you've pushed yourself to the limits at the gym or on that run, consider a quick dip in the cold ocean to help you cool down fast and speed up recovery of your aching muscles. 

Improve your mental health

We already know the ocean can help alleviate the symptoms of depression, as that's what our programs are based around. So it's no surprise to learn that cold water therapy studies also suggest that cold water swimming helps to alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Whether you're along for the ride on one of our surf therapy programs, or just making the most of our beautiful coast in the quiet winter months, we have no doubt you'll be feeling better mentally when you've been for that cold ocean dip.

Image: Susan Cyzano

Image: Susan Cyzano

Boost your immune system and metabolism

Our recent blog on the physical and mental benefits of exercise in winter talks about how exercise strengthens our immune system, helping us to fight off cold and flu viruses in the cooler months. Cold water therapy takes it one step further, with some evidence showing it can stimulate your body's immune system, improving your ability to fight illness.

Various studies have also shown that swimming in cold water can speed up your metabolism, the rate at which your body uses energy and burns calories. So, we already know it's important to keep moving in winter for your health, and now we know that swimming or surfing is a great way to do this!

So, forget about waiting until summer's arrived – there are so many benefits to be gained from taking the plunge in the cooler months! Once you get over the initial shock of the cold water, you'll be reaping all those amazing health benefits for both your body and your mind. What's not to love?

Find out more about our surf therapy programs.